As an avid admirer of escorts in Melbourne I always try to present myself as best that I can before an encounter. And you should to.
One way to surely impress is to smell nice by splashing on some cologne or after shave before your meeting; but not too much, ok? Which scent is purely up to you, but make sure it’s a pleasant one and not some cheap and nasty after shave that you picked up from the bargain bin at the chemist. If you are a smoker then that’s even more reason to smell nice (and don’t forget your breath as well with a few mints or a gargle with mouth wash)
I guarantee that all of the escorts in Melbourne that I have met really do appreciate a man who goes to the trouble to present himself well, and it makes the experience so much more enjoyable when your girl is into you from the outset.
Some suggestions for cologne/after shave could be Joop, Acqua Di Gio, Lancombe or any other quality manufacturers. Which one is right for you, well, you will just have to go out and sample some. If you are a traveller you could probably pick up a 4 or 5 pack of small bottles at the duty free area of the airport.
These small bottles are really handy when travelling and also offer a broad selection. Try them all (but not at the same time!) to see which one you prefer. Then you can go out and purchase a larger bottle which will last you a long time.
When your Melbourne escort arrives she will be able to tell that you are a man of class and substance by the scent that you have. Go on, spoil yourself and her. Make it a time to remember. You won’t regret it.